MICE.Express: join us for our MICE workshop in Slovakia

2025, Feb 11 | Corporate news, Featured, MICE Express

The event is called MICE.Express. We are launching it in this March. Our first destination is Kosice powered by Slovakia.Travel, and we are looking for the destination of the Autumn edition 😉


Description of the event:

MICE.Express is a brand new regional meeting event product of our company HotelPremio Group (which is Hungary’s market leader company event organizing agency). 

Join us our first event on 25th March in Kosice! Register now!*

What’s the MICE.Express?

It is a moving workshop, where during the workshop day the buyers can experience the hosting destination first hand during the day while meeting max 23-25 local service providers of the destination throughout the journey at the tables of the train’s meeting vagons. Both ways the workshop meetings can take place during the train ride.  We choose destinations where the train can get in max 3-4 hours from Budapest (Vienna, Graz, Zagreb, Brno, Timisoara, Kosice, Oradea, Belgrade are the optional destinations). We use 4 super comfortable pullman vagons (2 meeting vagons, 1 “coffee break” vagon and 1 luxury vagon for the destination representatives with tastings or other interactive meeting opportunities)  


Learn about more MICE.Express here!


Program on 25th March:

(timing can change depending on the length of the journey)

The event starts with the red carpet boarding at 8.00 o’clock where we greet our buyers with a drink + Kosice ticket 

On the board they can have a small breakfast/orange juice/coffee etc still in Budapest Keleti Railway station where one track is only closed for the Express and our guests.

  • 8.40 the train starts the journey.
  • 8.40-9.10 welcome speeches, possible small presentations
  • 9.10 – 10.40 Morning section1 of prescheduled 15 min meetings
  • 10.40-10.55 coffee break with salty and sweet bites
  • 10.55-12.15 Morning section2 of prescheduled 15 min meetings
  • 12.10 arrival to Kosice
  • 12.15-16.15 time in Kosice – lunch, sightseeing – MICE venuespotting + boarding
  • 16.30 – 18.00  Afternoon section1 of prescheduled 15 min meetings
  • 18.00-18.15 coffee break with salty and sweet bites
  • 18.15-19.45  Afternoon section2 of prescheduled 15 min meetings
  • 19.45 – 21.00 summary, champagne reception + raffle + closing the event

Register now!*

Registration does not mean automatic participation in the event. Participants will be contacted back on a space-available basis.